Friday, 24 November 2006


Hi everyone,

I'm in Mumbai. The poverty I saw yesterday as I walked 20 km through slums is extreme! It certainly makes one appreciate the luxuries of even the worst of Australia. In such places as the slums there is absolutely no running water, no electricity and as far as I could tell all refuse ends up in the side alleys or the ocean. For some children there is seemingly no schooling, they make their living by collecting bottles or begging. We have seen many sleeping on footpaths or doorways. It's a common sight. Although they do seem more content than the kids in Australia!

We leave Delhi by overnight train tomorrow and are due to arrive at the clinic in 4 days. Lugging 3 solar panels around plus our normal luggage has been a challenge. It will be nice to get them to their destination!

I hope to be in more relaxed circumstances at the clinic. The pollution and noise is very unpleasant here. I will write in more detail soon.

Thankyou again for your ongoing support.

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