Wednesday, 27 December 2006

Thank You

We caught an overnight train back to Jaipur from Jaisalmer and arrived at 5am on Christmas morning.

One of my first sights was a group of children sifting through a large pile of rubbish in the dark looking for anything of value. Christmas here looks very different to those I have seen in Australia.

We caught an Air India flight back to Mumbai saving us over two days of train travel. The plane was ancient and the seat in front of me broken - it just flapped back and forth. The tray table next door would not lock into position and was permanently down. The reading material included an article about how stressed, understaffed and overworked air traffic controllers in India are. Obviously we got down alive but air travel is not something I enjoy in a country that works like this one!

We are now back in Mumbai biding time till our flight home tonight. What an adventure this has been!

Once I am home I will prepare a report on the project and will edit the video that we took. I hope to make it available on DVD for anyone that is interested.

I have made a commitment to the clinic to fundraise for their education programs which are by far the most important work they are doing. I need to raise money for the operation on the young child with the club foot (I have inserted his photo in an old entry below) and I also need to seek a sponsor or sponsors for our blind freind Cherou in Agra for his ongoing schooling.

I'm developing future plans for another aid project which I need to ponder and discuss at length. I will no doubt be in touch with you all regarding this.

I would like to thank everyone that gave so generously of their time and money to make this journey possible for me. Together we have all done something worthwhile for people who live in a world much different to our own. It would not have happened without the support you have all shown.

My very best wishes to you all.

Anton Szilasi


Anonymous said...

Hello Anton,

I have subscribed to your website for the last few months and read about your travels with great admiration.

I don't know what culture/surrounds you were raised in to be doing such wonderfully charitable things at your age, but you seem a credit to your parents and yourself.

Congratulations on all you have achieved this trip, not just installing the solar panels, but actually getting out there and experiencing another country with its many needs. Please keep us all informed about your next big project.

Just quickly: I've studied a number of things at university, none of them sustainable development. If you get time, can you recommend a reading list on sustainable development, permaculture, etc.?

If you are too busy helping people, don't worry! Again well done, and God bless you and your family.

Anton Szilasi said...

Hi Kane

Thanks for your comment. As for a reading list on Sustainable development.

The bible so to speak on Sustainable development is "Permaculture a designers manual by Bill Mollision. Another good one on Permaculture is Earth users guide to Permaculture.

As far as renewable energies the Rainbow power company has some excellent material try them on Google search and take a look at their website.

By the way I will no longer be updating this blog as the trip is over. If you can send your email address to my email address which is I can put you on my mailing list and you will receive all my future updates.